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A brighter social care future

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A sunrise

"Living 200 miles away from my dad who has Alzheimer’s and my mum who has, without much consultation, been reassigned from being his wife to being his ‘carer’, I feel acutely the pressing need for a better social care future." We're pleased to host this debut blog from Neil Crowther, co-convener of #socialcarefuture.

Let's work together

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National Intergenerational Week 2020 poster

It is a very welcome return to the Social Care News Blog for Des Kelly OBE of the Care Providers Alliance. It is also a refreshing change of subject from recent posts as Des heralds the first ever National Intergenerational Week next month - encouraging recreation, communication and education between young and old across the country.

Improving the quality of dementia care

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Brain scan of a dementia patient

How can NICE recommendations improve the quality of care for those diagnosed with dementia? Professor Gillian Leng, Deputy Chief Executive and Health and Social Care Director for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), shares her views on their latest impact report on dementia care.

Celebrating and supporting young carers

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Hand reaching for another hand

Fatima Khan Shah, unpaid carer representative in the NHS West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, knows from personal experience that caring can be extremely rewarding. It can also impact on our health and wellbeing in dramatic ways - and at any age. On Young Carers Awareness Day she considers the ways we can improve identification, care and support for our thousands of young carers..

Put young carers on the map

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Today is Young Carers Awareness Day, an annual event led and organised by Carers Trust. The day aims to raise awareness of the pressures experienced by young carers – children who need to look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

To mark the day, we invited Gareth Howells, CEO of Carers Trust, to reflect on the importance of young carers, and how we can all do more to support them.

From DoLS to LPS: an important time for mental capacity

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A caring cuddle

Sometime in the next few months, the transition from Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) will begin. Hugh Constant, Head of Practice Development, Consultancy and Training at the Social Care Institute for Excellence, looks ahead to what the changes will mean in practice.

Fylde of operations

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Blackpool illuminations

Getting involved in Self Care Week isn't difficult, It shouldn’t interfere with or make life harder; if anything it should make it better and give you a chance to enhance your life. It doesn’t have to cost a lot either, says Nathan Skelton, Senior Communications and Engagement Officer, Fylde Coast Clinical Commissioning Group.