Shared Lives: mutually assured support

Shared Lives is a community-based service offering accommodation and support to adults with learning disabilities and/or other social care needs. Find out more...
Shared Lives is a community-based service offering accommodation and support to adults with learning disabilities and/or other social care needs. Find out more...
Right care, right place, right time As the conversations about delegated healthcare continue to evolve, the messaging remains clear. Delegation of healthcare activities is happening across adult social care and has been for many years. These voluntary guiding principles support …
This week, the Department of Health and Social Care, in partnership with NHS England, launches the biggest national conversation about the state of the NHS in its 76-year history. Social care voices invited!
As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to reflect on the rich history and achievements of black professionals across health and social care. It also gives us time to reflect on the ongoing need to create more inclusive and …
The social care workforce plays a hugely important role in public health. A new e-learning resource, will help care colleagues increase their knowledge and confidence in public health approaches across a variety of care settings.
The 18th century American philosopher, statesman and diplomat, Benjamin Franklin, famously said: “…in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” In the 21st century, we can add flu and covid infections to the list, so we need to be ready for them.
The votes have been cast and the country has spoken. The new Government is now busy setting out its priorities and future direction as set out in its election manifesto. As a sector, adult social care will be adjusting to …
Caring at home and work is tough I know from my own experience how challenging it can be juggling a busy work life and looking after a family member, in my case my mum at the end of her …
Experts by Experience are people with lived experience of using, or caring for someone who has used, health and or social care services. Discover how their insights help provide truly person-centred care.
"At Shared Lives Plus, we oversee two models of shared living: Homeshare, and Shared Lives. Shared Lives is a simple concept; it is a person-centred model which matches people who need support with those who can give it."