Care and support
Over a month ago, our Joint Chief Social Workers for Adults, Fran Leddra and Mark Harvey, used their Social Work With Adults blog to highlight the importance of maintaining human connections during the coronavirus pandemic.
It remains important for the care and support workforce - as well as NHS colleagues and our communities - to foster resilience in the midst of these challenges. The publication of new health and wellbeing guidance for care and support professionals is therefore hugely welcome at this time, as they explain...
Care and NHS colleagues have rightly been celebrated for their amazing dedication, kindness and bravery during this health crisis, but we must show the same appreciation and support for the thousands of unpaid carers across the country. Recently published guidance on GOV.UK is just one part of that...
Our care and support colleagues need our understanding, compassion and support, just as we expect them to do the same for the most vulnerable in our society. As the #COVID-19 outbreak continues, Lisa Lenton, England Director for the Association for Real Change and currently Chair of the Care Provider Alliance explains why the way we treat and perceive these amazing professionals is critical to the health and wellbeing of us all.
‘This is community’. These were the comforting words from Arthur Rank Hospice Charity's Medical Director at the end of a recent daily video call as colleagues began a week, the like of which none of them could have imagined even a month ago. CEO Sharon Allen reflects on the huge changes she and her teams have experienced and the positive team spirit that will see them through.
In our second blog post in the run up to International Women’s Day #IWD2020, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity CEO Sharon Allen celebrates the many amazing and brilliant women who have inspired, supported and challenged her.
Trust is a core component of any partnership and is vital to delivering care that is integrated across the NHS, local government and the voluntary sector. It's not always that straightforward though. Another insightful blog from SCIE's Ewan King...
"Living 200 miles away from my dad who has Alzheimer’s and my mum who has, without much consultation, been reassigned from being his wife to being his ‘carer’, I feel acutely the pressing need for a better social care future." We're pleased to host this debut blog from Neil Crowther, co-convener of #socialcarefuture.
It is a very welcome return to the Social Care News Blog for Des Kelly OBE of the Care Providers Alliance. It is also a refreshing change of subject from recent posts as Des heralds the first ever National Intergenerational Week next month - encouraging recreation, communication and education between young and old across the country.
How can NICE recommendations improve the quality of care for those diagnosed with dementia? Professor Gillian Leng, Deputy Chief Executive and Health and Social Care Director for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), shares her views on their latest impact report on dementia care.
Money matters Whilst attending my first Hospice UK conference in November last year, it was sobering to hear Chief Executive, Tracy Bleakley, remind us that 82 per cent of hospices have been forced to set a deficit budget in the …