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International Nurses Day: our leadership matters

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International Nurses Day poster

Today is International Nurses Day and, while many outside the caring professions tend to think of nursing in a purely clinical context, those working in or with the adult social care sector know it is so much broader in scope, complexity and provision.

Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection: a message from Deborah Sturdy

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One of the reasons, if not the main inspiration, Deborah Sturdy accepted the post of Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care had been her desire to honour, support and encourage this country's amazing care profession through some very challenging times. Read her latest blog, marking a day of reflection and remembrance for social care.

International Women's Day: we'll break the bias but never women's resolve

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If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s the fundamental truth that collective action, free of self-interest, prejudice or judgement, can achieve amazing things. International Women’s Day has chosen ‘break the bias’ as this year’s theme. I believe we can all draw strength from its ideal in these worrying times.

Black History Month and the WRES have something in common

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Black History Month wallpaper

Posting a blog about the social care workplace race equality standard (WRES) during Black History Month gives this endeavour particular resonance. Four weeks of recognition, celebration and awareness raising of black culture helps us appreciate its incredible contribution to the cultural richness of our world. Our workplaces have benefited too, but not always at the individual level.

Remembrance and reflection

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Candles burning on wooden plank

Social care bodies across England have joined together to announce a Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection. It will take place, next year, on 22 March and be a day to honour the work of the adult social care workforce and remember those we lost. Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy, explains the background...

Care Home Open Week: a good reason to throw a party!

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Staff and residents met members of the local police force

After what can only be described as an uncertain and difficult 18 months, Care Home Open Week was a fantastic opportunity to focus on the positives and have some fun. 

Many of the people supported at Precious Homes have found the pandemic hard. Changes to routine can be a challenge for autistic people, and isolation from friends, family and support systems add to an already confusing situation. Precious Homes staff made sure Care Home Week was enjoyed by everyone.

Care Home Open Week: a chance to share happiness

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Bubble therapy session

COVID-19 has led to many changes in the way residential care is provided and the way care colleagues work together. One thing that hasn’t changed is the sense of family and community within Priscilla Wakefield House, a teaching care home in Haringey, north London.

Despite the outside world being turned up-side-down, care staff have succeeded in keeping a sense of normality, and making sure residents continue to enjoy laughter and fun.

Care Home Open Week preview: Beacons of hope

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For almost a decade, care home open days have seen care homes all over the country open their doors to families, friends and local communities. This year’s event, which takes place across a week (28 June - 4 July), has particular significance, providing an opportunity to reunite care homes with their local communities, while celebrating the incredible care colleagues who have remained on the frontline throughout the pandemic.

Young Carers Action Day: adapting to change

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Young Carers Action day campaign pack image

"Today, on Young Carers Action Day, it's more important than ever to acknowledge how difficult the last year has been. It’s not in doubt everyone has had their life altered by the events of recent months, but some have been affected more than others." The Children's Society's Melissa Moody reflects on the past 12 months and her part in helping to shape new guidance for young carers like herself.