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deborah sturdy

Deborah Sturdy

Deborah Sturdy is the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care

Welcoming a new Government and what this means for adult social care

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The votes have been cast and the country has spoken. The new Government is now busy setting out its priorities and future direction as set out in its election manifesto. As a sector, adult social care will be adjusting to …

Social care nursing at the heart of International Nurses Day 2024

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Male social care nurse with older resident

Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy: "I’ve been in this profession for decades, but only in recent years has the wider world begun to realise the full range, experience and contribution social care nursing colleagues bring to the health and wellbeing of our communities."

Watch online - Webinar on visiting care homes, hospitals and hospices

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Visits from family and loved one’s are an important part of life when living in care settings. During the pandemic the challenges faced by both families and those living in care facilities were huge. We want to make sure, whenever …

The Messenger Review: a roadmap for great leadership

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The Messenger Review, published in 2022, set out an ambition to review system wide leadership development. It was an opportunity to help the health and social care system strengthen leadership and management across both sectors in England. It was also a way to help people new to their roles to better understand what is expected of them.

2023: reflections on a busy year for social care nursing

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2023 icon reflecting on the sea

It’s hard to believe another year has passed and there is still so much to do. For social care nursing, we have seen some real changes. We began some great projects in 2023 and we can now look forward with optimism as we work to embed and build on them further in 2024.

Black History Month: inspirational lives, inspiring great careers in care

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Christabel Chinonso U worked as a social care nurse when she first came to the UK from Nigeria in 2022. Keen to boost her confidence and be a positive influence, she participated in a Florence Nightingale Foundation leadership programme for social care nurses from global majority backgrounds. To mark Black History Month, we are proud to share Christabel’s story.

NHS and Social Care COVID Life Assurance Scheme

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The NHS and Social Care Coronavirus Life Assurance Scheme provides financial support to families and dependents of frontline health and social care staff who sadly died from COVID-19, while delivering frontline care during the pandemic, but the window for eligible claims is closing.