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Watch online - Webinar on visiting care homes, hospitals and hospices

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Visits from family and loved one’s are an important part of life when living in care settings. During the pandemic the challenges faced by both families and those living in care facilities were huge. We want to make sure, whenever …

You've got a friend in Social Care Talk

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Friends, family and colleagues are all great sources of information. Sometimes, this comes from chance encounters, when you’re walking the dog or dropping off the kids. It doesn’t matter what the situation is, hearing about what other people did in that situation can help. Social care is no different and a new website sets out to demonstrate exactly that...

Safeguarding, social workers and other revisions in Care and Support statutory guidance update

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The new edition supersedes the version issued in October 2014 and takes into account the regulatory changes, feedback from stakeholders and care sector developments following the postponement of social care funding reforms to 2020. Most revisions have been made for …

Powers of delegation extended to all Local Authorities following successful pilot programme

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The Department of Health has made a power to delegate statutory functions available to all English local authorities following the end of a national pilot programme. The adult social care social work practice (SWP) pilots were launched in 2011 to …