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Alex Fox

Alex Fox is CEO of Shared Lives Plus, the UK network for Shared Lives and Homeshare and independent chair of the Joint Review of the VCSE Sector

Putting the 'social' back in social care

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"During a pandemic, which is still far from over, few of us have escaped moments of loneliness or isolation. Even in large households, where a major focus of stress can be a sense of overcrowding and a lack of time to yourself, people have missed out on seeing close friends, relatives and loved ones." Alex fox, CEO of Shared Lives Plus, explains how the home share model has helped mitigate social disconnection.

Loneliness and how to cure it: the challenge of our times

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The appointment of Tracey Crouch MP as a dedicated Minister for tackling loneliness attracted interest from around the world. In this companion piece to Ewan King's post on finding small solutions to the big problem of social isolation, Shared Lives …

Introducing Asset Based Areas (and ten ways to make them happen!)

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In July, we heard from Martin Farran, York Council’s Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care about his city’s journey towards an ‘asset based place’ model, where a local population’s strengths, skills and community hubs are harnessed to provide …

New VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance will promote co-design with communities

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Hundreds of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations contributed their expertise and experiences to the Joint VCSE Review this year which recommended 28 changes to the way national and local government invests in - and works with - the …

VCSE sector can foster resilience and inclusivity in our communities

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Late last year, the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England commissioned a review of the role of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sectors in delivering health and care. The review has an advisory group made …