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Care and support

A young adult carer’s perspective 2: care, sleep, care – repeat

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Lavinia Scott (24) remembers the early days of her caring role very well – it started when she was around eight years old as her mother endured a series of mental health issues including severe depression. In this third and final blog …

A young carer's perspective: caring is as normal as putting on my socks

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To mark Young Carers Awareness Day, it is our privilege to host a series of blogs featuring the voices and experiences of young carers themselves. Meet this remarkable boy, aged 12, who has cared for his mother for as long as he can …

Countdown to Young Carers Awareness Day: why everyone deserves the chance to achieve their dreams

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Thursday 26 January marks this year’s Young Carers Awareness Day. Organised by Carers Trust, it’s an opportunity to not only acknowledge the debt we owe the many thousands of children and young people who care for their loved ones every …

New VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance will promote co-design with communities

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Hundreds of voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations contributed their expertise and experiences to the Joint VCSE Review this year which recommended 28 changes to the way national and local government invests in - and works with - the …

Social care faces tough times, but its transformation is still possible

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Every day, Ewan King’s colleagues gather news cuttings referencing issues affecting the social care sector and his organisation, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). On Tuesday 13 December, they were more eye catching than usual… I nearly dropped my spoon …

Staying well is not always easy - campaign highlights vital needs of older carers

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Winter is well and truly with us now and with it comes the annual NHS campaign to ‘Stay well this winter’. It’s no surprise that older people – including carers (typically 65 and older) – are a significant target audience, …

Making the Carers Charter a reality: from vision into practice

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“Caring for friends and family can be tough, especially if you’re a sandwich carer,” explains Fatima Khan-Shah, the driving force behind a new Carers Charter now launched in the Kirklees area. “You may be caring for your parents in law or your children …