New guidance to support integrated and person-centred care for people with health and social care needs has just been launched reveals TLAP's Programme Director Dr Sam Bennett. Personalised care and support planning (PC&SP) is part of a different relationship being …
Improving care service provision. What does it mean, why is it important and what can be done to make it happen? These are the questions posed by Tony Hunter, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), in …
‘It’s time to use the assets we have in our communities,’ says Ewan King, Director of Business Development and Delivery at the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). It’s time to make asset-based approaches more widespread, but what do we …
'Information and advice are among the foundation stones of the Care Act and improving people’s access to them is vital to a reformed care and support system,' explains TLAP's Programme Director, Dr Sam Bennett. Amidst the technical tasks of introducing …
Almost 50 leading health, care and housing organisations have partnered up to transform public service delivery to promote people’s independence and wellbeing. Regular site visitors will already know that Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) is a national partnership which aims …
Even those of us working in communications for a living can sometimes forget the rules of Plain English. And when we find ourselves speaking to a particular audience, such as the care and support sector, the temptation to lapse into …
At the Department of Health we’re always keen to do what we can to ensure policy initiatives maintain a constant and positive momentum. It’s another reason we are looking forward to NCAS and the chance to update delegates – and …
The National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCAS) 2013 draws near and here at the Social Care news blog we’re gearing up to deliver you coverage of this milestone three day event (16 – 18 October) - before, during and …
...a set of principles for how councils can provide high quality information and advice. The principles set out the main issues that councils need to consider when developing a comprehensive...