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Working together: the long term plan for social work and mental health

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Brain working out

The NHS Long Term Plan has set out an ambitious vision for the development of our health and care services over the next 10 years. Its success is dependent upon positive, transparent and collaborative relationships between social care, public health, housing and other services dedicated to happier, healthier, more independent lives. Mark Trewin explains what this means for mental health and social work services...

Chief Social Worker for Adults’ fifth annual report calls for progressive leadership

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The word 'leadership' set out in 3D letters being set into place by cranes

Last month, social workers around the globe celebrated World Social Work Day, our annual opportunity to showcase the best our profession has to offer. Worldwide, social workers stood together to celebrate their achievements and remind others of the importance of …

Be prepared

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A care worker serves tea and cake to an elderly couple

The UK’s exit date from the EU has been extended whilst debate and discussions continue in Westminster and Brussels to resolve concerns around the current negotiated deal. For adult social care providers, this continued uncertainty makes it even more vital to step up preparations for our departure at both a national and local level. Des Kelly OBE, Founder and Chair of the Care Provider Alliance, considers current provider concerns and the action being taken to mitigate them.