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Older adults and the future of housing

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Communities, Innovation, Leadership, LGBT+ awareness, Workforce
A range of housing designs

In February 2021, the Commission on the Role of Housing in the Future of Care and Support published its first report – a policy discussion paper outlining the major issues facing accommodation provision for older people and setting out a vision for a better future, with some preliminary proposals the Commission had been exploring as part of the second phase. The Social Carer Institute for Excellence (SCIE)'s Rebekah Luff delves into the detail...

Huntington's Disease Awareness Month: a story of care, support and understanding

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Care colleague talking to a resident

To mark Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month, the manager of a dedicated therapeutic facility for men living with neurological disease and brain injury reflects on the journey of one man and the effects life changing conditions like his can have on individuals and those around them.

Coronavirus, caution and the comfort of experience

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Like many of us, care home manager, Lesley Griffiths, could not have envisaged the enormous impact coronavirus would have on the care sector and our wider communities. Managing a large residential nursing home suddenly became a daunting task. Lesley shares fears, learning curves and hopes for the future.

New podcast demystifies severe mental illness

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Putting the mind back together like a jigsaw

A new podcast series presented by mental health social workers explores real stories from people who have lived experience of serious mental health difficulties. Co-hosts, Beth Green and Tom Pollard have spent the last three years working in NHS community services, with individuals who have experiences often diagnosed as psychosis, bipolar and complex trauma.

It started with a shift...

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Leadership, Safeguarding, Viewpoint
wooden characters of different sizes and colours to highlight diversity

"If we want to reform the social care system it has to start with a wholesale shift in the way all of us, at every level of the system, view the very people who draw on services." TLAP's Clenton Farquharson returns to the Social Care blog with some positive musings on the future of social care in this country.

Care home staff vaccination: we need your views

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Carers, Consultations and surveys, coronavirus
COVID-19 vaccine vial being held in a gloved hand

Last month, the Department of Health and Social Care launched an open consultation seeking your views on making vaccination a condition of deployment in older adult care homes, to protect the people most at risk in our communities. The consultation remains open until Friday 21 May 2021. Many of you have contributed, but we still need many more views to help us make the best informed judgment possible for care home staff and residents.

WRES stories: Bristol onboard for culture change

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Workforce, WRES
White and black hands raeching towards each other

Bristol Council's Principal Social Workers are very pleased to be taking part in the Workforce Race and Equality Standard (WRES) national pilot for which there has been strong support from colleagues. They see this as an opportunity to share learning from their collective experiences and help drive organisational change.