In her conversations with employers around the country, Sharon Allen, Skills for Care's Chief Executive, has been encouraged by their understanding of what it means to sign up to the Social Care Commitment and how it can help them focus …
Public services work best when they tap into our collective humanity, says Hilary Cottam, Chief Executive and founder of Participle, an organisation working to create new types of public services and seeking a redefinition of the welfare state... These are …
We all recognise that adult social care is a vital service for many older and disabled people. Dr Glen Mason, Director of Social Care Leadership and Performance, Department of Health, explains why a caring, skilled and valued adult social care …
If you didn't see the recent announcement of the imminent merger between these two highly respected organisations, here's an extract from the press release. For the full version, click the link at the end of this post... Following discussions, Skills …
I hope, like me, you have never experienced - or ever will experience - face-down restraint or other restrictive interventions. However, I know some of you may have witnessed such events or restrained someone yourselves. I can only imagine what …
For professional carers, looking after the most vulnerable members of society requires a strong positive outlook especially when dealing with challenging behaviour. But that outlook is much easier to achieve and maintain if carers feel workplace environments are supportive and …
Adult social care is a rewarding and fulfilling career - that's the message of National Apprenticeship Week, currently underway and co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service, with the full support of Skills for Care. It's an opportunity to increase awareness of …
Today sees the launch of Lyn Romeo's new blog, hosted on GOV.UK, in which she pledges to comment regularly on "issues affecting social work" as she builds relationships "across government, the social work sector and the wider public, to help …
All too often, it's the negative issues around adult social care which attract the headlines, obscuring the fact that the care sector is a vibrant and rewarding place to work. Care workers and their employers should be rightly proud of …
The Social Care News blog will always signpost and champion any initiative designed to improve quality of services – and mental health is no exception. The Green Light Toolkit is a guide to auditing and improving mental health services to …