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Stabilising the wobble: looking after our care colleagues

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two people constructing a jigsaw of the mind

While the pandemic has reminded care staff how capable and resourceful they are in a crisis, the traumatic nature of their experiences over the last year has also meant learning to accept help from others. As a regional manager with Cygnet Health Care, Vicky Bradshaw was struck by how many of her colleagues have bonded and supported each other in ways they had not experienced before.

Communication and tenacity puts care provider on track for COVID-19 vaccinations

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Two happy young people supported by Lifeways

Across the UK, Lifeways employs almost 11,000 colleagues supporting nearly 5,000 adults with diverse and complex needs, across a variety of community settings, including our supported living services and residential homes. The COVID-19 pandemic means getting things right has never been more important for many thousands of people.

Vaccination for the homecare nation

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vaccination team at the ready

Homecare workers have demonstrated outstanding commitment, compassion and selflessness throughout the pandemic and have enabled around 850,000 older and disabled people to live safely and well at home. Vaccination of the 715,000 strong homecare workforce and the people they support is vital to protect their health and wellbeing. The more vaccines given, the more lives saved, so time is of the essence.

Vaccination offers real hope

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Covid vaccine bottle

The roll out of new vaccines has offered a ray of hope during this challenging time. Deborah Sturdy, our Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care is delighted so many care home staff and residents have now been offered their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Deborah emphasises just how vital it it that everyone who can take up the offer of vaccination does so when their turn comes. She received the first dose recently and will be taking up the second in the next few months.

Introducing The Care Exchange podcast

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The Care Exchange logo

Skills for Care launched its monthly podcast series ‘The Care Exchange’ in November 2020. In each edition, its hosts talk to social care leaders and managers and invite them to share their experiences and learning, inspiring other managers and reassuring them they are not alone in the challenges they face.

In the current situation, opportunities to network with other managers are scarce, but listening to their podcast conversations is easy. Taking time to listen might also help your wellbeing - find out more!

Vaccination offers hope of better times ahead for care home staff and residents

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Time lost but hope regained During this pandemic, milestone birthdays have been and gone, grandchildren have been born, and it’s heart-breaking our residents weren’t able to celebrate these important events with their loved ones. At Foxholes Care Home in Hertfordshire, …

A message of thanks, faith and support from the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care

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deborah sturdy

This is Deborah Sturdy, Interim Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care's first blog of 2021 and one which she finds herself posting in unprecedented times. She is nonetheless honoured to have this opportunity to work with - not just the nursing profession - but the whole social care workforce, as together the sector strives to meet the continuing challenges of COVID-19.

Lockdowns unlock innovation

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People on a zoom screen surrounded by fireworks

Tough as it is, the lockdowns have not stopped social care professionals, organisations and services finding ways to provide amazing support. The restrictions have been hard for everyone involved in social care, but they have also brought opportunities and innovations which have inspired and supported others. SCIE's Ewan King explains more...

Vaccination without vexation

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Corona virus subatomic image

On the first day the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was rolled out, HC-Ones Daneside Court care staff were fortunate enough to be among the first to be offered vaccinations. Understandably, there was some nervousness among colleagues around the vaccine being new. As Managing Director of HC-One’s family of care homes. Ruth Yates wanted to lead by example so, along with 12 other willing colleagues, she attended the Countess of Chester Hospital to be vaccinated.

PPE portal power

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Care worker wearing mask

When it became apparent that coronavirus was a real and present danger to our communities – and that our health and care workers were on the frontline of the battle to contain it – we knew effective protection for these amazing people would be among our top priorities. The provision and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) has been a vital part of our strategy to keep care staff safe – especially those in care homes and other restricted care settings. Here's our update on how we're doing exactly that.