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Watch online - Webinar on visiting care homes, hospitals and hospices

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Visits from family and loved one’s are an important part of life when living in care settings. During the pandemic the challenges faced by both families and those living in care facilities were huge. We want to make sure, whenever …

Come back to social work - one week left to promote and book free training

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If you work in a council communications team or know of former social workers mulling the prospect of a return to the profession then the deadline is looming for applications to receive free refresher training. We think it's an opportunity …

New Winterbourne View report reflects on progress made and challenges ahead

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Autism strategy, Care and support, Consultations and surveys, News, Safeguarding, Workforce

Sir Stephen Bubb, tasked with leading the work into establishing stronger safeguards and support for adults with learning difficulties after the scandal of abuse at Winterbourne View, has published his latest and final report: Time for change: the challenge ahead. …

A year of raising standards and opportunities - Chief Social Worker for Adults publishes interim report

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An interim report from Lyn Romeo, the Chief Social Worker for Adults has now been published. It summarises efforts in the last year to raise the quality of social work education, training and practice, including new knowledge and skills statements for social …

Takeovers and takeaways - listening to the voice of young people

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The Children's Commissioner's Takeover Challenge has been a timely reminder of the merits of inviting children and young people to participate in and challenge decisions about their care and the way services are designed around them. It was recently the …

Minister updates on improving outcomes for children and young people's mental health

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Alistair Burt, the Minister for Community and Social Care, spoke today at The King's Fund’s ‘Improving mental health outcomes for children and young people’ event. Six months on from the publication of Future in mind – the Government’s report of …