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Watch online - Webinar on visiting care homes, hospitals and hospices

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Visits from family and loved one’s are an important part of life when living in care settings. During the pandemic the challenges faced by both families and those living in care facilities were huge. We want to make sure, whenever …

Ambition fuels rewarding social care careers

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Mental Health Nurses Day takes place this week (Wednesday 21 February), an opportunity to celebrate the unique contribution nurses and support workers make to the care sector. A registered nurse for more than 20 years, David Wilmott has worked across a number of health and care services. He tells his story of a very rewarding career...

NCASC 2022 is here!

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The National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) is back - and in the physical realm this time after two years of pandemic-enforced virtual presentations. Once again, the Manchester Central Exhibition Centre is the venue for the year's biggest social care event, taking place this week, 2 - 4 November.

Social care reform: making mental health a priority

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brain drawn in chalk

Kathy Roberts is CEO of The Association of Mental Health Providers, the only national organisation with over 280 members representing voluntary and community sector providers of mental health and wellbeing services. In her debut DHSC blog, Kathy goes back to basics, describing why mental health social care and support services are essential, the impact they have on people’s lives, and how the sector can inform the social care reform strategy.

Looking after yourself and others this festive season

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snow globe

As we approach a festive season that will be very different for all of us, Fran Leddra and Mark Harvey, our Chief Social Workers for Adults, offer their hopes, thoughts and heartfelt thanks for the support of health and care colleagues this year. Their message is simple: look after your own mental and physical health as much as those around you. You deserve as much support as anyone else.

Working together: the long term plan for social work and mental health

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Brain working out

The NHS Long Term Plan has set out an ambitious vision for the development of our health and care services over the next 10 years. Its success is dependent upon positive, transparent and collaborative relationships between social care, public health, housing and other services dedicated to happier, healthier, more independent lives. Mark Trewin explains what this means for mental health and social work services...