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Delegated healthcare activities: the principles of great care

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What’s your definition of high quality care and support? Safe? Consistent? Person-centred? It is all those things. Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse fort Adult Social Care, celebrates the publication of ‘Delegated healthcare activities: guiding principles for health and social care in England’, giving social care colleagues enhanced tools to deliver the very best care.

International Nurses Day: celebrating our values, strengths and ambition

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Social care nurse chatting with resident

This month sees the annual celebration of International Nurses Day on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. In difficult and uncertain times, celebrating social care nursing's amazing contribution to the health and wellbeing of our communities is more important than ever.

Nursing Times Awards: we're so glad we entered last year

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Older people exercising

Entering the Nursing Times Awards social care category last year was a motivating experience for Oakleaf Group care colleagues. If your team or service is doing great things in the social care sector, nominate them for the Nursing Times ‘nursing in social care’ award today. Entry closes Friday 12 May!

Nursing associate stories: a journey of personal discovery

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Student Nursing Associate, Mercy Sharp, 52, was born in the Philippines and moved to England in 2007. She has worked at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe, since the care home opened in 2019. She is nearing the end of her nursing associate course, which she began in 2020. Royal Star & Garter is a charity providing compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia.

Social care's digital future: the journey has begun

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People using touch screen

Moving from paper-based to digital systems can be daunting and this is no less true for the social care sector . With so much information out there it’s hard to know where to start. Breaking it down into manageable stages is the best approach, as Alison Ainsworth, Deputy Director for Social Care Technology Policy in DHSC, explains...

International Women's Day: a message from the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care

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Ethnically diverse social care nurses having a team meeting

International Women’s Day is one of the most important awareness raising events of the year for Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, not least because around 80 percent of people working in the social care profession are women...

Data and the drive to transform social care

Data cloud - numbers in virtual space

Data is fundamental to achieving good quality, person-centred care and has the power to transform its delivery. Michelle Dyson, Director General for Social Care at the Department of Health and Social Care, explains its importance and how you can help transform services through information, evidence and collaboration.

Nursing associate stories: challenging myself to deliver better care

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Chelsea Batchelier

Chelsea Batchelier, 25, joined Royal Star and Garter at the start of lockdown. She has just begun her student nursing associate (SNA) course and is looking forward to what the next two years have in store. "I wanted to challenge myself, because I’ve always had a passion for caring for people."