Experts by Experience are people with lived experience of using, or caring for someone who has used, health and or social care services. Discover how their insights help provide truly person-centred care.
Arron Bolland is the Learning Development and Quality Manager at dementia care provider Vida Healthcare’s training centre, Vida Academy. He explains its role in finding new and innovative ways to support the care workforce with career progression and provide the highest quality of care to residents.
Individuals drawing on care services were just as vital contributors to the Care Workforce Pathway as care staff, providers and other sector partners. Jennifer Pearl is a member of Think Local Act Personal’s (TLAP) National Co-Production Advisory Group (NCAG) and has a spinal cord injury. She feels fortunate to have a good home care provider and explains how identifying the right values and behaviours are crucial.
Social care colleagues will have better training, clearer career paths and improved job prospects following the announcement of government plans to develop the domestic care workforce. Think Local Act Personal's Tim Parkin explains how his organisation helped gather views from care colleagues and others to inform the Pathway's shape.
For the first time, there will be a national social care career structure, the Care Workforce Pathway, with clearly defined roles and opportunities to discover the rewarding reality of the care sector first hand. Find out more...
As the Department of Health and Social Care announces its adult social care workforce reform package, Oonagh Smyth, CEO of Skills for Care, gives her insight into what this means for recruiting, retaining and empowering the care workforce.
It’s hard to believe another year has passed and there is still so much to do. For social care nursing, we have seen some real changes. We began some great projects in 2023 and we can now look forward with optimism as we work to embed and build on them further in 2024.
Supporting and helping to improve the health of older adults is paramount. Depression is a common condition and while it is a problem all year round, as we approach the festive season, it does know harm to renew our vigilance and support of those who may feel particularly lonely or isolated at this time.
The CareTech Senior Adults team hosted colleagues from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) recently. This included a meeting to discuss current workforce initiatives for the social care sector and then visiting services to meet with front line staff, managers and those we support.
As the deadline for closure of the online booking service for COVID-19 and flu vaccinations looms on 14 December, highly respected GP and National Clinical Director, Dr Adrian Hayter, explains the merits of health and care colleagues keeping their vaccinations up to date as we get deeper into winter.