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The years 2001/02 were dark, bleak and dismal ones for me. My domestic life and career were both in turmoil, my marriage was breaking down, I had acute debt problems and was constantly bullied at work. They were months of …
If you haven’t heard of them, you’re not alone and if you have, like many, you may not like the name or fear what they imply. So what are they for? Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) are for people in …
Should DH be investing in a national comparison/user feedback tool for care homes and home care on NHS Choices when several external websites already do similar things? I think they should. What is different about these online quality profiles for …
Right now we are getting ready for an online homecare panel debate taking place Tuesday 5 November 12.30 - 14.30 (GMT) – hosted by the Guardian and attended by the Minister for Care and Support, Norman Lamb. He’ll be joined …
I was really pleased to read the words of my colleague Jon Rouse about the success of the Social Care Commitment. I was lucky enough to be involved in its development with Skills for Care and other sector leaders, as …
In this post, Dr Trisha Macnair provides a case study around the diagnosis of dementia, and the particular challenges when a person’s spouse has a more apparent physical condition receiving more attention. She explains the value a timely diagnosis can bring to …
Post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their carers is a crucial element of dementia care, not only to improve the quality of life of people with dementia and their...
There’s a joke going around the policy circuit that, at the end of time there will only be two things left: cockroaches and a couple of people trying to work...