Care and support
“The closer integration of health and social care has been a goal for many years, receiving broad support across the political spectrum,” observes Deborah Rozansky, health and social care consultant and associate at the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). …
In the summer of this year, a bold statement of intent was published setting out a single view of high quality adult social care. The creation of commissioners, providers, staff, national bodies and people who use services, their families and …
Did you know there are 6.5 million people across the UK providing unpaid care for sick or disabled family members, friends or neighbours? Many will be missing out on vital practical and financial support which could have consequences for their …
Reablement, crisis response, home-based care, bed-based care… these are all terms that people who use services, their families and carers may not be familiar with. Well, they’re all types of intermediate care as it happens – but what does that …
There were many interesting highlights and diversions at this year's National Children and Adult Services Conference in Bournemouth (#NCASC17), but as your dedicated Social Care News editor stepped onto the escalator to reach the upper levels of the venue, he …
We’re very grateful to Carers Trust’s Laura Bennett for drafting this blog on the train home from Bournemouth after “an exciting time joining colleagues at NCAS 2017 to share our joint work with Carers UK on Carer Passports.” We were …
Workshop: Working together to develop carer friendly communities Wednesday 11 October 12.10 – 1.10 Solent Hall "With an ageing population, and more people living longer with disabilities into older age, attention continues to turn to how we support this positive …
"Sunshine might be in short supply in Bournemouth next week as delegates gather for the NCAS conference, but a few days by the seaside can be rejuvenating," says Paul Burstow, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence, as he …
Workshop: Working together to develop carer friendly communities Wednesday 11 October 12.10 – 1.10 Solent Hall How can we improve the support we provide to today’s carers? The Department of Health Carers policy team is collaborating with sector partners to …
In July, we heard from Martin Farran, York Council’s Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care about his city’s journey towards an ‘asset based place’ model, where a local population’s strengths, skills and community hubs are harnessed to provide …