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deborah sturdy

Deborah Sturdy

Deborah Sturdy is the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care

Supporting adult carers: our role as care professionals

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NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) published their guidance on supporting adult carers in 2020. It aims to improve their lives by helping health and social care practitioners identify people caring for someone and give them the right information and resources to live and care well.

The NHS is 75 and so is the social care system

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Smiling social care nurse

"In difficult and uncertain times, it’s important to be thankful for the constancy of institutions and organisations supporting us through good times and bad", says Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy in a special blog to mark the 75th anniversary of the NHS and the creation of the social care system.

Delegated healthcare activities: the principles of great care

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What’s your definition of high quality care and support? Safe? Consistent? Person-centred? It is all those things. Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse fort Adult Social Care, celebrates the publication of ‘Delegated healthcare activities: guiding principles for health and social care in England’, giving social care colleagues enhanced tools to deliver the very best care.

International Nurses Day: celebrating our values, strengths and ambition

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Social care nurse chatting with resident

This month sees the annual celebration of International Nurses Day on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. In difficult and uncertain times, celebrating social care nursing's amazing contribution to the health and wellbeing of our communities is more important than ever.

Help us shape a career pathway for care workers

People running up building blocks

"Talk to any employer, or person who draws on care and support, and they will tell you that the people who work in social care are undoubtedly the sector’s biggest asset". As a new call for evidence launches, Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and Oonagh Smyth, Chief Executive of Skills for Care, set out their united view of an amazing workforce and its future potential...

International Women's Day: a message from the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care

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Ethnically diverse social care nurses having a team meeting

International Women’s Day is one of the most important awareness raising events of the year for Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, not least because around 80 percent of people working in the social care profession are women...

The principles of delegated healthcare

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The further embedding of delegated healthcare interventions in the care workforce represents the ongoing initiative to marry social care experience with clinical excellence to deliver enhanced, high quality and consistent care. Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, and Oonagh Smyth, CEO Skills for Care give an update.

A message for the festive season from Deborah Sturdy

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Twinkly Christmas lights

Strength through adversity It’s been another eventful, challenging, but productive year, a year in which adult social care colleagues have continued to deliver amazing care and support right across the country. In a constantly changing world, your compassion, skills and …