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Welcoming a new Government and what this means for adult social care

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The votes have been cast and the country has spoken. The new Government is now busy setting out its priorities and future direction as set out in its election manifesto. As a sector, adult social care will be adjusting to …

Care Home Open Week: a chance to share happiness

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Bubble therapy session

COVID-19 has led to many changes in the way residential care is provided and the way care colleagues work together. One thing that hasn’t changed is the sense of family and community within Priscilla Wakefield House, a teaching care home in Haringey, north London.

Despite the outside world being turned up-side-down, care staff have succeeded in keeping a sense of normality, and making sure residents continue to enjoy laughter and fun.

Care Home Open Week preview: Beacons of hope

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For almost a decade, care home open days have seen care homes all over the country open their doors to families, friends and local communities. This year’s event, which takes place across a week (28 June - 4 July), has particular significance, providing an opportunity to reunite care homes with their local communities, while celebrating the incredible care colleagues who have remained on the frontline throughout the pandemic.