Over the last few weeks, Sharon Allen, Skills for Care's Chief Executive, has enjoyed visiting a number of social care services across England. She found the striking common feature to be a total commitment by staff to high quality person-centred …
The Social Care Commitment has signed up 2,000 employers in the last 18 months. Sharon Allen, Skills for Care's Chief Executive, shares the good news on the Department of Health initiative aiming to improve quality of care in adult social …
Improving care service provision. What does it mean, why is it important and what can be done to make it happen? These are the questions posed by Tony Hunter, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), in …
Shared Lives can offer fantastic outcomes for individuals, attests Community Catalysts Director, Jane Atherton. I believe Shared Lives is unique. The service matches people who need support to live their lives with individuals and families, promoting the development of true …
I’ve talked many times about the benefits of making the Social Care Commitment, but I am often asked by hard pressed employers how it fits in with other initiatives and standards they have to meet day in and day out. …
The Social Care News blog will always promote initiatives intended to better support those working in - or receiving help from - the care and support sector. Today, Lyn Romeo, the Chief Social Worker for Adults, launches an important new …
As beloved as our health services might be, they weren't designed to deal with the increase of long term conditions and so-called lifestyle diseases we see today, says Participal's Tara Hackett, Lead Guide and Project Developer for Wellogram - a …
Those who have signed up to the Social Care Commitment are starting to see the positive impact it can have on the quality of care they deliver, and the training and development of their staff says Skills for Care. The …
Earlier this year, the Department of Health launched Think Autism – our cross-government update to the 2010 Adult Autism Strategy. Created with the involvement of people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome, as well as their families and carers, it brings …
If a school or college is judged to be failing its school children or students through lack of leadership and/or poor quality teaching, there are systems in place to encourage rapid improvement or face the prospect of closure – so …