The Social Care News blog will always promote initiatives intended to better support those working in - or receiving help from - the care and support sector.
Today, Lyn Romeo, the Chief Social Worker for Adults, launches an important new consultation on a knowledge and skills statement for social workers working in adult social care.
The statement sets out what individuals working with adults should know and be able to do by the end of their first year of employment. It is also intended to help employers make sure newly qualified social workers receive the training and support they need to provide the best social work they can in adult care settings.
Today is World Mental Health Day so it is also worth noting the crucial role they play in using the Mental Capacity Act and, more broadly, the Care Act to deliver appropriate and effective support to vulnerable adults in need.
Launching the consultation, Chief Social Worker for Adults, Lyn Romeo, said:
Social workers play a vital role in improving people’s lives, so it’s really important that we equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to do their job.
The consultation is open now until 12 December 2014. Whatever your role in the provision or receipt of social work services your views are vital to making this knowledge and skills statement the best it can be.
You can complete a response form online or send your contribution by email to:
Or write to:
Chief Social Worker for Adults,
Room 208,
Department of Health, Richmond House,
79 Whitehall,
London SW1A 2NS
Comment by Pat Hardy posted on
My experience with Derbyshire SS, is that they are overpaid, ill trained, uncaring , total lack of both personal and professional integrity and only interested in their pay packet.
Comment by S J Walls posted on
How true the statement on this page 'Social workers play a vital role in improving people's lives' used to be. What's gone wrong - as the mother of a adult daughter with learning disabilities this year the social worker sent to review her minimal care package of 12.5 hours per week has become someone I can only feel hostility towards. The objective of the most recent annual review was to cut her care costs and nothing else. The reassessment was written with that objective and in spite of meeting with very senior people I cannot get them to change anything. I've supported my daughter to be as independent as she can but now I wish I'd put her in a more protected situation. Like all parents of vulnerable adults my objective is for her to be as safe and happy as possible when I am dead, I thought we had done the best for her by assisting her to move into her own flat - my experiences this year tell me I was wrong