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Loneliness and how to cure it: the challenge of our times

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The appointment of Tracey Crouch MP as a dedicated Minister for tackling loneliness attracted interest from around the world. In this companion piece to Ewan King's post on finding small solutions to the big problem of social isolation, Shared Lives …

Isolation: small may be beautiful when it comes to solutions

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“With one million people aged 64 and over in the UK reporting that they are often or always lonely, the newly appointed Minister for Loneliness, Tracey Crouch, has a big task on her hands,” says our returning blogger, Social Care …

Robo care

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There were many interesting highlights and diversions at this year's National Children and Adult Services Conference in Bournemouth (#NCASC17), but as your dedicated Social Care News editor stepped onto the escalator to reach the upper levels of the venue, he …

Introducing Asset Based Areas (and ten ways to make them happen!)

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In July, we heard from Martin Farran, York Council’s Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care about his city’s journey towards an ‘asset based place’ model, where a local population’s strengths, skills and community hubs are harnessed to provide …

Workshop in progress: asset-mapping and why it can help build communities

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'A workshop on asset-mapping’ wasn’t the snappiest title, confesses Pamela Holmes, Practice Development Manager at the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). ‘However, the event saw so much energy, information and engagement that it put a spring in the step of the …