Care and support
The Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) is currently working on the production of a digital care and support planning standard. Following a workshop, they are now conducting a survey for the final stages of the project and Social Care News …
Professor Ian Banks of the Self Care Forum believes that simply advising people to self care is not enough. Ahead of the charity’s annual conference next month, he believes health and care services can do more to engage with local …
It is ten years since the Government committed to a strategy to transform the way support is planned through personal budgets. Colin Slasberg, an independent consultant in social care - and familiar to readers of Chief Social Worker for Adults Lyn …
“Pressures affecting hospitals and the social care system have rarely been out of the news in recent months,” observes social care, health policy consultant – and SCIE Associate - Richard Humphries. He believes now is the time to open up discussion …
‘Behind ancient city walls and along narrow medieval streets, something transformative is taking place in York’, says Martin Farran, Corporate Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care at City of York Council. Marking publication of the Social Care Institute …
We don't often put out straight news stories but this one features an important request. The Department of Health has issued an Invitation to Tender (ITT) to improve identification of young carers. This is a key piece of work designed …
As an independent voice for the people of Essex, Healthwatch Essex collects the views and lived experiences of people across the county. This information is used to inform recommendations to help improve, design and support the delivery of local health …
‘Social care was, for perhaps the first time, a defining issue in a general election,’ reflects Alex Fox Chief Executive of Shared Lives Plus and Chair of the Joint voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) Review. The debates about social …
As the life expectancy of people with learning disabilities increase, so too does their risk of developing conditions such as dementia. Emma Killick, Director of Adult Services for learning disabilities charity MacIntyre explains how her organisation is working to raise …
When the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) ran the first ever National Co-production Week last year they had no idea if the concept would gather momentum, recalls Tina Coldham, SCIE’s Co-production Network chair… With great anxiety we began feverishly …