Shared Lives: mutually assured support
Shared Lives: mutually assured support
Shared Lives is a community-based service offering accommodation and support to adults with learning disabilities and/or other social care needs. Find out more...
Shared Lives is a community-based service offering accommodation and support to adults with learning disabilities and/or other social care needs. Find out more...
Safeguarding, personalisation, empowerment, reablement, shared decision-making, person-centred working, recovery, care planning, choice and control, dignity, risk decision-making, consent – some of the key policy terms, processes and concepts that underpin...
The Registered Managers’ Programme from the National Skills Academy for Social Care aims to betterequip registered mangers to meet the challenges they face, to reduce their isolation by networking them...
...stage of the review will last until the end of October 2013. A revised strategy will be published in March 2014. Information supplied by: Michael Swaffield- autism policy lead...
Dementia is the biggest challenge the health and social care system faces today with 800,000 people with dementia in the UK, and that figure is set to rise to one million by 2021. Over the last few years, there has …
Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb announces the latest funding to help voluntary organisations improve people’s health and well-being. The latest round of funding to support voluntary and community organisations to improve people’s health and well-being has now opened, the …
This annual campaign, led by Mencap and running until 25 August, celebrates the strength and courage of people with a learning disability, their families and carers. This year, it is celebrating families and the everyday superheroes who make all the …
The UK is to host the first G8 dementia summit to lead international action on tackling the condition. The UK is making the fight against dementia global by hosting the first G8 summit dedicated to seeking an ambitious level of …
Following the NHS re-structure in April, work is underway to re-assign individual NHSmail email accounts from the old to the new structures. If you have regular contact with NHS staff or organisations please note that, as a result of this work, some …
The National Skills Academy for Social Care, working in partnership with Skills for Care and MacIntyre, has just launched a new values-based recruitment toolkit for employers. At present, employers in social care face two key challenges: how to find and …
...a set of principles for how councils can provide high quality information and advice. The principles set out the main issues that councils need to consider when developing a comprehensive...