Published in 2010, the Adult Autism Strategy for England Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives, is an essential step towards realising the Government’s long-term vision for transforming the lives of adults with autism. Now, following on from the initial self-assessment exercise in 2012 looking at implementation of the strategy, the Department of Health has issued a second exercise to evaluate the progress made since 2010.
This formal review of progress against the strategy is an opportunity for Government to assess whether the objectives of the Strategy remain fundamentally, the right ones. By evaluating now, the Government will be able to consider what needs to happen to make sure progress continues, as well as resolve any issues which may be slowing or preventing implementation.
Responses to the self-assessment exercise are due on the 30 September 2013. The investigative stage of the review will last until the end of October 2013. A revised strategy will be published in March 2014.
Information supplied by:
Michael Swaffield- autism policy lead
Comment by Sylvia Nicholls posted on
I believe that Herefordshire have not yet fulfilled the implementation of the 2010 Adult Autism Strategy, and believe they have only this August started a round of consultation meetings with local interested parties. The results are expected later this month.
I chair a local disability group, Hereford Disability United am currently attempting to highlight the plight of residents within the autistic spectrum so that something may be done to provide a better level of understanding as well as some support from the local authority.
Are you able to provide any feedback to previous annual self assessments which Herefordshire may have completed? I am currently working with the National Autistic Society to gather information. I also have invited the local authority Engagement Team to a meeting to discuss possible plans. Many thanks.
Comment by Michael Swaffield- Autism policy lead posted on
Hi Sylvia, the first national self assessment exercise looked at what progress had been made by February 2012. This was based around the self-assessment framework which the Department of Health launched in April 2011 to support localities with the delivery of the Adult Autism Strategy and the statutory guidance for health and social care which was issued in December 2010.
The individual returns received, including from Herefordshire, and related summary reports can be found at
Comment by james mark posted on
care of adult autism is very important and that is good step
really good step
Comment by Michael Swaffield- Autism policy lead posted on
Hi Mark, thank you we agree that it's a good first step and realise that more has to be done to help support adults with autism.