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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Care Act 2014 consultation update: more than 200 comments received

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We're past the mid-point of the Care Act 2014 consultation period which ends 15 August 2014, so if you haven't submitted your thoughts, opinions and concerns yet you've got just over a month to help make the Act’s implementation as effective as possible. Well over 200 comments have been received so far but we still want this engagement to be as broad and in depth as possible.

The Care Act consultation closes 15 August 2014 - make your views known
The Care Act consultation closes 15 August 2014 - make your views known

For background and links to the consultation see our original blog post and for further inspiration read this entry from Jon Rouse, our Director General for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships.

Once again, we urge you to make the most of this opportunity to share your views on the most comprehensive overhaul of social care since 1948. Get involved.

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  1. Comment by Sarah Austin posted on

    The link below the Care Act consultation cartoon on page
    (make your views known) does not work

    • Replies to Sarah Austin>

      Comment by Mark Osterloh posted on

      Link gremlins at work again. Thanks for the spot - the link should be working now.
      Mark (Social Care News Editor)

  2. Comment by Gill Smith posted on

    I hope that the Act will really put carers on the same legal footing as service users and funds and services will be available.
    Carers deserve not only more recognition but flexibility within support plans to allow them to pursue their own training and work.

  3. Comment by Claire Rhodes posted on

    Hi Gill - You might find this section of the consultation interesting:
    and please do leave comments and suggestions. We're up to nearly 200 comments now - I've been reading through just now and there is some really interesting insight and debate. It would be great if you can add to this. Thank you.

  4. Comment by Pauline Hardinges posted on

    Where will the transition take place from social care providers who can charge, to NHS providers when care is funded? At what stage will the line be crossed and who will be responsible for recognizing this stage. This question is for people with dementia and other neurological disorders who haven't got a voice. Perhaps it would be more beneficial for a there to be a three way charging process put in place, That is a third from social services a third from NHS and the person's pension less the pocket money, when in a care home. This would be a much fairer way of funding the care, especially for continuing nursing needs.
    The position at the moment is placing far too much pressure on the carer to perform care which has gone beyond the realms of social needs. Which in some extreme case has resulted in the carer being hospitalised themselves due to stress. Or, on the other hand the cared for having the wrong care package due to the current funding fiasco.
    Cared for who require 24/7 care and do not want to go into care, with complex needs and neurological problems or dementia, which is progressive, should have the extra funding to support the carer and/or the nursing needs.

  5. Comment by Chris posted on

    If theres been no major overhaul since 1948 then it's certainly time we had one. According to the Alzheimer's Society less than half of people living with dementia in the UK have a diagnosis. We need to get to the problem earlier.