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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Getting personal: supporting and enhancing the personal assistant workforce

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Whilst there has been much talk around better integration of health and care services (as evidenced by the £3.8 billion integration innovation fund launched earlier this year), a vital component of this enterprise is the promotion and support of personalised care. The personal assistant workforce provides vital support to service users who could not otherwise lead active and fulfilling lives.

That’s why the Department of Health – and this blog – actively supports the efforts of our sector partners Skills for Care as we work together to implement  the PA framework, first published in July 2011.

The latest expression of this joint endeavour is ‘Working for personalised care: growing a quality and personalised workforce’. This special Skills for Care hosted event, to be held at the Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, London tomorrow 29 October, and attended by Minister for Care and Support Norman Lamb, will bring together PAs, individual employers and other sector stakeholders.

Not only is this event an opportunity to present updates on progress towards greater personalisation, it is also a chance for those present to discuss, debate and influence the path of future work.

At its heart, this exercise is about making sure we build and retain a quality workforce, properly equipped with the skills and training opportunities needed to deliver person centred quality care.

The Department is proud to be working with Skills for Care as the lead delivery partner of the PA Framework. The Social Care News blog will keep you updated as the implementation work continues.

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  1. Comment by sol jorgensen posted on

    Sol Jorgensen, Wick, South Wales.

    I would very much like a signing system, such as Makaton or Signalong, to included in basic training for all PAs. My son has been using it at school since he was three and he is now twenty-two and is at home. I find it cruel and unusual that all carers are without this basic training , when people leave school with a language that no-one sent to help care for them actually uses or ''speaks''.

    This training would not only be useful with people with learning disabilities, but others say with a stroke or other non-congenital speech impediment.

    The lack of this skiil base means I am required to train all new staff , wheher Agency or Direct Payements. I have had to fight to be allowed these necessary traing costs. Otherwise my son wil not interect. period.

  2. Comment by Les Scaife posted on

    In this drive to bring skills and quality into this workforce, we must not forget that people now have choice over who they will employ. The Personalisation Agenda is at the heart of the choice and control people now have over their lives, we must not take that away from people because some well meaning organisation think they know better that the people who employ PAs.