When you have a ‘week’ or ‘month’ concentrating on a theme or a campaign, it can really focus minds. But there’s also the danger that, once the week or month has passed, the issue gets sidelined. Co-production Week, which the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) ran in early July, got a good conversation going. Gerard Crofton-Martin, Head of Research, Practice Improvement and Co-production wants to make the most of this awareness raising...
Tough as it is, the lockdowns have not stopped social care professionals, organisations and services finding ways to provide amazing support. The restrictions have been hard for everyone involved in social care, but they have also brought opportunities and innovations which have inspired and supported others. SCIE's Ewan King explains more...
The last three months have been the most challenging times faced by social care for many years, says Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE),
However, this period has not been without some positives. SCIE regularly survey people working in social care or in receipt of care to ask them what is important and what is working well. Here, in the first of two blogs marking Co-production Week (6-10 July), she highlights some of the feedback helping to shape services for the better.
When the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) ran the first ever National Co-production Week last year they had no idea if the concept would gather momentum, recalls Tina Coldham, SCIE’s Co-production Network chair… With great anxiety we began feverishly …