Social care is vital for people with dementia. Alzheimer’s Society has been calling for social care reform for a long time and welcomed the opportunity to participate in two South West roundtable events, arranged by the Department of Health and Social Care, to discuss what they and other care sector organisations want to see from this process.
Award winning dementia awareness campaigner Beth Britton writes about the legacy of the G8 Dementia Summit films and the importance of lived experiences.
People with learning disabilities are five times more likely than those in the general population to develop dementia. This shocking statistic, included in recent NHS Digital and Public Health England research, reflects the health inequalities for people with learning disabilities. The …
As a department we are always looking for new and effective ways to communicate our work and that of our sector partners. To this end, we hope visitors to this blog are also aware of the excellent Dementia Challenge site …
Dementia is the biggest challenge the health and social care system faces today with 800,000 people with dementia in the UK, and that figure is set to rise to one...