An interim report from Lyn Romeo, the Chief Social Worker for Adults has now been published. It summarises efforts in the last year to raise the quality of social work education, training and practice, including new knowledge and skills statements for social work with adults, children and families and the announcement of the ‘Think Ahead’ post-graduate programme for social work in mental health, due to start in 2016.
As work on the social work reform agenda continues, this document also reflects on the introduction of Principal Social Workers in statutory adult social care now, in place in every local authority in England, helping to improve frontline practice and practice leadership.
The report also covers the increasing prominence of social work expertise in respect of the Care Act and Mental Capacity Act and also the value of the four ‘early adopter’ Teaching Partnerships, as they seek to promote and embed curriculums which prepare students for the challenges of social work in the 21st century.