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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Prevention is cure to costly interventions

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Investing early in prevention in adult social care can reduce or delay the need for costly crisis intervention or care services – a new online information resource has arrived to support people’s independence and help them live well for longer.

SCIE_logo_March-2011_SQUAREThe Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE’s) new Prevention Library aims to help inform commissioners and service providers find information and examples of emerging research and practice in the provision of prevention services across England.

The resource, which has been commissioned by the Department of Health, will run as a beta site for the first six months and includes examples of current services, access to related resources and an introductory film highlighting the challenges of investing in prevention in a way that meets local needs.

SCIE is continuing to develop the Prevention Library and is particularly keen to feature more service examples, either pilots or established operations reflecting the broad spectrum of prevention provision in adult social care.

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  1. Comment by Compass CHC posted on

    The Compass Continuing Healthcare team have commenced on an interlinked issue regarding the potential false economy of cost cutting addressed by the BBC online website:

    The article usefully highlights the present issues faced by individuals who ought to be entitled to state funding assistance, either via Local Authority Funding or though an entitlement to continuing healthcare funding via the NHS as their primary need for care is a health need, and the knock of effect these restrictions are having on the NHS budgets.
    Unfortunately it is our experience that many encounter restrictions and find their applications for funding blocked despite the fact they ought to be entitled to free care home fees and NHS funding for care homes. The knock on affect of this is clear, as highlighted by the article, as the result is an increasing reliance on alternative NHS resources such as overstretched Accident and Emergency departments. It is our belief that the resistance to fairly apply the criteria to individuals and restricting access to continuing healthcare funding, where the patient ought to be entitled to the cost of their care being met in full, is in fact a false economy for the NHS as it results in costs being raised in other areas.

  2. Comment by Margaret Little posted on

    I have been preaching this message for over 30 years. I used to run a day centre for older people on what I called the "Working Men's Club" model. (Of course the majority were women but that wasn't the point.) We offered a real social life, friendship, laughter, conversation, interesting and lively things to do. Most of all we offered FUN. Fun is very much underrated, but it takes people's minds off their problems, aches, pains, illnesses and is very important for morale. Our members went home already looking forward to their next visit and with new determination to stay actively involved with life. We only took people referred to us by Social Services who were unable to get out on their own and were seen to be on the margins of needing more substantial care. Some people were living with relatives, a day apart was good for both parties. . We had people who had strokes, head injury, depression, dementia, Parkinsons, very poor mobility etc etc. It was cheap, 5.5 staff, 35 volunteers, 40 places a day, 120 people on the books. I haven't got the statistics but I am convinced that this was money well spent. In our first year no one went into residential care, and very few subsequently. We probably ran the whole centre for the cost of a couple of residential beds.

  3. Comment by Dan posted on

    I think that most people recognise that early intervention is better, cheaper and less problematic in all areas of healthcare, social care, childcare and medical care.

    Convincing the bean counters of this will not be so easy though...
