Just a quick reminder that the consultation on social work placement funding is due to close on 8 December.
Comments are sought from social work placement providers, practice educators, universities and students to be fed into the consultation process. Department of Health colleagues would also welcome your views on how the Education Support Grant (ESG) could be set up to ensure it stays within its £28 million budget.
The grant has been running over budget year on year and the current annual overspend is about £3 million. The consultation on Social Work Practice Placement Funding also looks at how the quality of placements can be improved as a result of these proposals. This includes looking at giving higher education institutes more flexibility over how this grant is spent, so they can reward the providers that offer high quality placements or work with others to improve standards.
This will ensure every social work student has access to high quality practical experience before they begin their career.
The Department of Health has worked with a range of stakeholders in developing four potential options:
- Option 1: remain the same as currently
- Option 2: formula uses last years’ student intake
- Option 3: formula uses future years’ student intake
- Option 4: allocation on basis of number of bursary recipients.
The full consultation can be found here
Complete a response form and either email to ESGconsultation@dh.gsi.gov.uk or write to them at the address below:
ESG Consultation, 2N12 Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE