Why we need Self Care Week

The Self Care Forum believes awareness weeks are vital for encouraging people to make better choices about their health and wellbeing. Chair, Helen Donovan, explains how we can all help make the change...
Helen Donovan is the chair of the Self Care Forum and professional lead for public health at the Royal College of Nursing.
The Self Care Forum believes awareness weeks are vital for encouraging people to make better choices about their health and wellbeing. Chair, Helen Donovan, explains how we can all help make the change...
Self Care Week returns 13-19 November this year. It's the annual, UK-wide awareness week run by the Self Care Forum, a charity aiming to further the reach of self-care in the population, making it everyone’s everyday habit and culture, to think and practice self-care.
As the UK’s coronavirus lockdown continues to cautiously ease, it remains just as important to protect ourselves and others from the risk of infection. Helen Donovan, RCN and Chair of the Self Care Forum and Dr Knut Schroeder, GP and CE of the Self Care Forum explain why they believe self care should lie at the heart of society's response to the pandemic.
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