The Department of Health has launched a consultation on the draft regulations and guidance relating to provisions in part one of the Care Act which will come into effect in April 2015.
The Department has worked collaboratively to develop the most comprehensive overhaul of social care since 1948. These changes are intended to make the system fairer and provide people with better care.

The draft regulations and guidance have been developed in partnership with a number of expert reference groups including care and support users, local authority staff, voluntary sector organisations, social workers, and national representative bodies, many drawn from local government.
This is an opportunity for the sector - and those using care and support services - to express their views and opinions and help make the Act's implementation as effective as possible.
Jon Rouse, our Director General for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships, lends his voice to the call for wide and proactive engagement in his latest blog.
The consultation period ends 15 August 2014. Please make the most of this opportunity to share your views.